Tag Archives: Jeff Sessions

The Hijacking of America – Current ReBiblican Senators

american-flag-cross-gop1According to Leah Burton, renowned researcher of all things Dominionist, the definition of a “ReBiblican” is as follows:

A ReBiblican is a politician who is most likely to call themselves Republican and supports the melding of church & state. They are Christian zealots also known as Christian Dominionists/Christian Nationalists.

They believe that America was founded as a Christian Nation and view the U.S. Constitution as secondary to God’s Law according to the Bible.

ReBiblican politics is not limited exclusively to 21st century republicans. They are found in increasing numbers in all other parties and encouraged to run as stealth candidates as long as they win elected office.

They argue that the 1st Amendment guarantees that government is prevented from influencing religion, but that religion is free to influence government. They pursue a nation based on the morals and family values of a cherry-picked version of biblical law, a Christian theocracy.

With the advent of the Teabag Party in 2009, ReBiblicans have joined forces with those who cannot reconcile America having its first African-American President in the White House and they have become more brazen, often expressing a disturbing level of Patriotism.

ReBiblicans consider all those who oppose, disagree or argue with them to be non-Christian and/or not the “right kind” of Christian.

Examples of notable ReBiblicans; Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman (R-Minn), Jim Inhofe (R-Ok), Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC), John Ensign (R-NV), Tom Coburn (R-Ok), Mike Huckabee (R-AR), Rick Santorum (R-PA) just to name a few along with a lengthy list of others – some of whom have resided at the “C Street” house in Washington, D.C. while serving in Congress. (Urban Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ReBiblican)

Given the fact that many of these ReBiblicans are already in seats of power within our governmental entities, and there are tons more who will be seeking election in the near future, it is incumbent upon us to know who they are and what they stand for. Educating ourselves and others is the best way to overcome the threat that these people pose to our very way of life.

Generally speaking, the U.S. Senators listed below are those who meet the criteria of a ReBiblican based upon, their voting records, their stated beliefs, and/or their endorsement or support of legislation that can only be interpreted as reflecting their Dominionist/Christian Nationalist views. (e.g. anti-abortion/anti-women’s rights; anti-affirmative action; anti-homosexual; anti-separation of church and state; anti-public education; anti-immigration; pro-absolute right to gun-ownership; pro-military expansion; etc.)

NOTE: There are others who are considered to be “on the cusp” who have not been listed here either because we do not see that they embody all of the requirements to meet the criteria, or they do not yet have the tenure in office to determine their eligibility. Consequently, the list may be updated as the year progresses.

United States ReBiblican Senators


Richard ShelbySenator Richard ShelbyA former Democrat, Shelby switched to the Republican Party in 1994. Shelby is avidly against abortion and supports a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. He sponsored a Bill that would define English as the official language of the United States. Shelby considers life to begin at conception and voted YES on criminalizing abortion. He stands firmly against affirmative action and voted YES to end special funding for minorities and women-owned businesses.

Vehemently anti-homosexual rights, Shelby voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage; NO on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation; NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation; NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes; YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.

Shelby has achieved a 100% approval rating from the Christian Coalition for his stand on prayer in public schools, his vote to approve $75 million for abstinence education in public schools, and his recommendation on criminalizing flag desecration. Conversely he had been given a 0% rating from Americans United For the Separation of Church and State.

Additionally, Shelby’s voting record has been consistently against Public Education and consistently in favor of an absolute right to gun ownership, including loosening license and background checks at gun shows, and allowing firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak trains.

He takes a strong stand for expansion of the military, is against EPA regulation of greenhouse gases, and wants to defund renewable and solar energy while favoring drilling expansion in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Jeff SessionsSenator Jefferson Beauregard “Jeff” SessionsIn 2007, Sessions was considered the 5th most conservative U.S. Senator. Jeff Sessions is a signer of the Americans For Tax Reform’s Taxpayers Protection Pledge, Grover Norquist’s group.

Sessions is noted for having made numerous racist comments throughout his career. He is anti-abortion, believing that life begins at conception. He has consistently voted against any sort of contraceptive education and no on any federal grants to agencies that provide abortions.

He is vitriolic in his stand against homosexuality, calling for a Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and favors removing gender identity from the hate crimes list. Additionally, he has received a 7% rating from the NAACP for his stance against Affirmative Action, women, and minorities.

On the other hand, he has received a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition and a 0% rating from Americans United for Separation of Church and State. He has a 0% rating as far as public health is concerned, and favors the Ryan Budget.

Sessions in anti-Obamacare and anti-public education, while strongly supporting the voucher system. He has garnered an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association for working toward loosening license and background checks at gun shows.

As to immigration, Sessions led the state in trying to defeat all amnesty bills, works toward declaring English as the official U. S. language, and votes no on any comprehensive immigration reform legislation.


John McCainSenator John McCain – Prior to the 2008, Presidential Campaign, which McCain lost, he was generally considered a “moderate Republican.” With that loss, it appears that the Senator has turned the corner into a much more conservative politician.

McCain has been a major proponent of privatization – especially when it comes to Social Security and Public Education. He claims that “Charters, Homeschool, and vouchers are the keys to educational success.”

He has received an 83% rating from the Christian Coalition for his stands on prayer in public schools, and federally mandating that memorials and religious symbols are okay within the school setting. He has claimed that “The Ten Commandments would bring virtue to our schools,” and that “Faith bridges unbridgeable gaps in humanity.”

He is anti-abortion except in cases of rape or incest and would vote to overturn Roe v Wade with those exceptions. He believes that abortion providers should be prosecuted and that life begins at conception.

McCain believes in an absolute right to gun ownership, and opposes restrictions on assault rifles and certain types of ammunition. He wants to loosen license and background checks at gun shows and is against background checks for those purchasing firearms.

As he has continued to move further and further to the right he has met the criteria to become a ReBiblican.

Jeff FlakeSenator Jeffry Lane “Jeff” Flake –

Senator Flake strongly opposes a woman’s right to choose and has received a 100% by the National Right To Life Committee. He has voted against federal funding for groups like Planned Parenthood and No to any federal funding of abortions.

Flake is opposed to all Affirmative Action and has received a 27% rating from the NAACP. He is vehemently opposed to gay rights, favors a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage and defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Additionally, he is opposed to enforcing hate crime legislation based upon sexual orientation.

He enjoys a 92% rating from the Christian Coalition for his stand against the separation of church and state and the fact that he supports a Constitutional Amendment to allow prayer in public schools.

Flake is advocate for the gun lobby and believes in an absolute right to gun ownership. He opposes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and favors privatizing Social Security.

He takes a decidedly anti-environmentalist stand advocating for the oil and gas industry, while favoring Faith-based initiatives when it comes to welfare and caring for the poor and indigent.


John BoozmanSenator John Boozman – In April 2013, Senator Boozman was one of forty-six senators to vote against the passing of a bill which would have expanded background checks for all gun buyers. As someone who believes in an absolute right to gun-ownership, Boozeman claims that “Dangerousness, not mental incompetance, should limit gun rights.” I wonder if he understands that mental incompetance can result in ‘dangerousness.’

As a far-right-wing Republcan, Boozman is against a woman’s right to choose and believes that the pre-born should be guaranteed protection on the 14th Amendment. He has a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee.

He is opposed to all Affirmative Action, as well as same-sex marriage. He favors a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman and is opposed to anti-gay hate crime legislation.

Boozman has received a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition gor his anti-separation of church and state stance. He favors prayer in public schools and the teaching of Christianity’s importance to Western Civilization.

He is opposed to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and favors privatizing Social Security. He is a proponent of the oil and gas industry and takes an anti-environmentalist stand.

He favors Faith-based initiatives, in anti-immigration, and seeks to make English the official language of the United States.


marco-rubioSenator Marco Rubio – Rubio was named Freshman of the Year by the Florida Petroleum Marketers Association. Needless to say he is no friend of environmentalism.

Rubio claims to be pro-life, and has voted to expand birth-control exemptions for faith-based organizaitons. He opposed the Sotomayor nomination based upon Roe v Wade, and supports giving legal protection to unborn children.

He is very much opposed to gay rights, supports an Amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman, and on gay couples being able to adopt children. Additionally, he favors banning homosexuals from serving in the military.

Rubio believes that we should acknowledge God in everything we do and everywhere we go. He believes in faith-based initiatives as opposed to governmental support. He is anti-public education and presided over a $2.3B cut to education in Florida. He advocates for charter schools and vouchers with local control over education.

Rubio has stated that the Second Amendment is “the cornerstone to our democracy,” and opposes restrictions on gun-ownership.

He believes that we should expand our military and that military action should be on the table in Iran and Syria.

He opposes exploration of renewable energy whil supporting the oil and gas industry and on and off-shore drilling.

When asked by GQ how old the Earth is, Rubio had this response:

“I’m not a scientist, man. I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that’s a dispute amongst theologians and I think it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States. I think the age of the universe has zero to do with how our economy is going to grow. I’m not a scientist. I don’t think I’m qualified to answer a question like that. At the end of the day, I think there are multiple theories out there on how the universe was created and I think this is a country where people should have the opportunity to teach them all. I think parents should be able to teach their kids what their faith says, what science says. Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to answer that. It’s one of the great mysteries.”

It might be a pretty sure bet that he is going to throw his hat in the ring for a Presidential run. Imagine that!


Saxby ChamblissSenator Saxby Chambliss – Chambliss is an interesting study. Fortunately, he announced a couple of months ago that he would not be seeking another term in office. However, that does not diminish the fact that he is still sitting in a seat of power and promoting legislation that could have a negative impact upon all of us.

Chambliss is no friend of labor, but a good friend to big business.

As a far-right conservative, Chambliss believes that life begins at conception. He is anti-abortion, yet consistently votes against legislation that would put more money into programs that would reduce teen pregnancy.

He is stronly opposed to any and all Affirmative Action.

Rabidly opposed to same-sex marriage, Chambliss favors an Amendment to ban such unions, and to prohibit gays from adopting children.

While seeking “traditional marriage and values,” he is vehemnetly opposed to the tradition of separation of church and state, advocating a Constitutional Amendment requiring prayer in public schools. He consistently recieves a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition.

Chambliss favors the abolition of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the privatization of Social Security.

He supports private and parochial schools, charter schools, and a voucher system demonstrating a clear stance against public education.

With an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association, Chambliss believes in an absolute right to gun-ownership and to carrying concealed weapons across state lines.

He takes a strong anti-immigration stand opposing any form of amnesty, or any pathway to citizenship. Additionally, he favors declaring English as the official language of the United States.

His stand on green energy leaves a lot to be desired by environmentalists. He is pro-oil-and-gas and onshore and offshore drilling.

On an interesting side note about Chambliss, in 2008, he found himself in a run off which promted him to show his true colors. You see, when it comes to voters and Chambliss he has an “us v them” mentality. The “us” being white people, and the “them” being black people. Blue Texan over at Firedoglake.com gave us an example:

“Last night, PBS aired an excellent documentary on Lee Atwater, Karl Rove’s mentor, who skillfully exploited bigotry in the South to win elections for the GOP.

“Nice to see Saxby Chambliss honoring Atwater’s legacy.

(Saxby) “There was a high percentage of minority vote,” Chambliss told Alan Colmes, “but we weren’t able to get enough of our folks out on election day.”

“Our folks.”

“And this isn’t the first time Chambliss has played the Atwater card this campaign season.

“During the fall Senate campaign, Chambliss cautioned his followers that “the other folks” are voting. The senator added that the “rush to the polls by African-Americans” has “got our side energized early, they see what is happening.”

Johnny IsaksonSenator Johnny Isakson – Isakson was the creator of the “Isakson Principle,” which denies the legalization of status to any illegal immigrant or the creation of a temporary worker program unless the Secretary of Homeland Security certifies (“triggers”) to the president and Congress that measurable border security provisions are in place.

Earlier in his political career, Isakson was a much more moderate legislator. However, he now is considered one of the most conservative people in the United States Senate. He has been given an “A” rating by the National Rifle Association; the “Hero of the Taxpayer Award” by Citizens Against Government Waste; a whopping “92%” rating byt the Christian Coalition; and a “100%” rating from the American Conservative Union.

As to abortion, he jumped on the Bush bandwagon claiming that we must create a “culture of life” in America. Believing that life begins at conception, he is opposed to abortion and has been given a 100% rating by the National Right To Life Committee.

He is opposed to Affirmative Action and voted against creating a commemorative postage stamp in honor of Rosa Parks.

Isakson favors a Constitutional Amendment definining traditional marriage as between one man and one woman; banning same-sex marriage; and banning gay couples from being able to adopt.

Standing for traditional values, Isakson is against the separation of church and state and believes that public schools should engage in prayer.

He opposes Obamacare and favors the privatization of Social Security.

He stands firmly against public education favoring charter schools and the voucher system.

On a side note – In 2010, Senator Al Franken introduced an Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill that would punish contractors if they “restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.” Thisis known as the “Franken Amendment.” Both Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson joined the list of 30 Republicans who voted against that Amendment.


Mike CrapoSenator Mike Crapo – After serving 3 terms in the House, Mike Crapo was elected to the Senate in 1998. He is opposed to abortion believing that life begins at conception. He is also opposed to funding programs that would help to reduce the teen-pregnancy rate. Go figure.

Crapo wants a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage and to define marriage as being between one man and one woman only. Additionally, he opposes the inclusion of sexual orientation in hate crimes legislation.

Crapo supports a school prayer Amendment as well as legislation to “support values and responsibility.” He further supports laws that would only give federal funding to schools which allow prayer as well as allowing memorial prayers and symbols. This garnered him a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition and a 0% rating from Americans United For the Separation of Church and State.

He stands firmly against Obamacare and firmly behind the privatization of Social Security.

He favors the voucher system and charter schools over public education.

Crapo is, certainly, one of the National Rifle Association’s Golden Boy’s. Believing in an absolute right to gun ownership, he favors the loosening of background checks at gun shows, and a national cross-state standard for concealed carry.

He is vehemently anti-immigration, amnesty and a pathway to citizenship, and wants a Constitutional Amendment declaring English as the official language of the United States.

Crapo favors expanding the military, opposes stricter limits on campaign funds, and opposes the priortization of green energy.

Jim RischSenator Jim Risch – Risch is the former Governor of Idaho. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2008.

Risch is anti-abortion and believes that the sanctity of life must be recognized in public policy. Additionally, he opposes any federal funding to family planning groups that provide abortions.

He opposes all mandates for Affirmative Action.

He also opposes same-sex marriage stating that he opposes sexual orientation as a protected civil right.

Risch opposes Obamacare stating that the private sector is the best suited to manage health care and would not expand the Children’s Health Care Insurance Program. He does, however, favor the Ryan Plan.

He is no advocate of the separation of church and state, believing that traditional family values should be taught in public schools. He also believes that the voucher plan is preferable, and that churches and other faith-based initiatives should be responsible for providing welfare.

Boasting of an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association, Risch believes in an absolute right to gun ownership.

He is opposed to all forms of amnesty or pathways to citizenship for immigrants.

On a side note – In 2010, Senator Al Franken introduced an Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill that would punish contractors if they “restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.” Thisis known as the “Franken Amendment.” Both Mike Crapo and Jim Risch joined the list of 30 Republicans who voted against that Amendment.


Dan CoatsSenator Dan Coats – Having served in the U.S. Senate from 1989-1999, Coats retired only to return in 2011. During his hiatus from the Senate, Coats served as U.S. Ambassador to Germany from 2001-2005, then acted as a lobbyist in D.C.

In his bid for the Senate in 2010, Coats was enthusiastically endorsed by the National Right of Life Committee, Indiana Right to Life and the coveted Susan B. Anthony List.

A far-right Republican, Coats is 100% aligned with the National Right To Life Committee and against abortion.

He is vehemntly opposed to Affirmative Action voting to ban AA hiring with federal funds, to ending federal funding for minority and women-owned businesses; and to prohibiting same-sex basic training.

He is just as opposed to all things homosexual seeking an Amendment to ban same-sex marriage, prohibiting gays from serving in the military, and advocating job discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Separation of Church and State is not his strong suit, either. He favors an Amendment allowing prayer in public schools and funding abstinenance only education.

Coats is a proponent of the Ryan budget and an opponent to Obamacare. He also favors the privatization of Social Security.

He strongly opposes raising taxes on the wealthy, and amnesty or a pathway to citizenship for immigrants.

Apparently Coats is well into the pockets of the gun lobby as became public last April when it was revealed that he and 41 other Senators who voted against a controversial gun control bill had received money from firearms lobbyists.


Chuck GrassleySenator Chuck Grassley – Grassley is an old hand at politics. In 2009, he was a major contributor to the myth of “Death Panels” in President Obama’s health care reform package. He is no friend of the environment, either, voting consistently on the side of big oil and gas and just as consistently against green and renewable energy.

Although he takes a firm stand in favor of a Flag Protection Amendment, according to the Disabled American Veterans, Grassley has an abysmal record on veterans issues.

Conversely, Grassley has a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee, Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, and Tony Perkin’s hate group, the Family Research Council.

As you may have guessed, Grassley is anti-abortion and believes that life begins at conception; anti-affirmative action; anti-same-sex marriage favoring a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting such unions; and against inclusion of sexual orientation in hate-crimes legislation.

He carries a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition and supports prayer in public schools as well as faith-based initiatives.

He has an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association and voted NO on background checks at gun shows.

He strongly opposes amnesty or pathways to citizenship for immigrants and seeks a Constitutional Amendment declaring English as the official language of the United States.

Additionally, Grassley is a member of The Fellowship (Christian organization), a controversial tax-exempt quasi-religious, and political influence, organization also known as The Family, or C-Street. From Salon: http://www.salon.com/2009/07/21/c_street/

Family leaders consider their political network to be Christ’s avant garde, an elite that transcends not just conventional morality but also earthly laws regulating lobbying. In the Family’s early days, they debated registering as “a lobby for God’s Kingdom.” Instead, founder Abraham Vereide decided that the group could be more effective by working personally with politicians. “The more invisible you can make your organization,” Vereide’s successor, current leader Doug Coe preaches, “the more influence you can have.” That’s true — which is why we have laws requiring lobbyists to identify themselves as such.

But David Coe, Doug Coe’s son and heir apparent, calls himself simply a friend to men such as John Ensign, whom he guided through the coverup of his affair. I met the younger Coe when I lived for several weeks as a member of the Family. He’s a surprising source of counsel, spiritual or otherwise. Attempting to explain what it means to be chosen for leadership like King David was — or Mark Sanford, according to his own estimate — he asked a young man who’d put himself, body and soul, under the Family’s authority, “Let’s say I hear you raped three little girls. What would I think of you?” The man guessed that Coe would probably think that he was a monster. “No,” answered Coe, “I wouldn’t.” Why? Because, as a member of the Family, he’s among what Family leaders refer to as the “new chosen.” If you’re chosen, the normal rules don’t apply.


Pat RobertsSenator Pat Roberts – Pat Roberts has been a U.S. Senator for 16 years. He has voted in favor of big oil companies on 100% of important oil-related bills, according to Oil Change International. These bills include Iraq War funding, climate change studies, clean energy, and oil import reductions. Pat Roberts has received $115,650 in oil contributions during the 110th congress. $65,500 of those dollars were from industry PACS. In total, Roberts has accepted $199,650 from oil companies since 2000, which makes him one of the top recipients of oil money in the United States Senate.

As a far-right conservative Republican, Roberts takes a staunch stand as an advocate for life and families. With a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee it is little surprise that he his anti-abortion and anti-women.

It is also not surprising that he is against Affirmative Action and same-sex marriage. He supports a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex unions, is strongly opposed to the inclusion of sexual orientation in hate-crimes legislation.

With a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition he believes that all federal funding should be reserved for schools who allow prayer within their walls. He also favors faith-based initiatives.

He wants to see Obamacare repealed and to privatize Social Security.

Roberts favors vouchers and charter schools over public education.

He believes in an absolute right to gun ownership; opposes raising taxes on the wealthy; and opposes amnesty and a pathway to citizenship for immigrants.

Back in 2006, Think Progress did a hit piece on Roberts making the following claim:

As chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen. Pat Roberts’s (R-KS) duty is “to provide vigilant legislative oversight over the intelligence activities of the United States” and “to assure that such activities are in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the United States.” But on the most important intelligence issues facing Americans – such as the manipulation of Iraq intelligence, warrantless domestic spying, and torture – Roberts has transformed his committee into a “Senate Coverup Committee” for the Bush administration.

Much More Here: http://thinkprogress.org/report/roberts-coverup/

On a side note – In 2010, Senator Al Franken introduced an Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill that would punish contractors if they “restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.” Thisis known as the “Franken Amendment.” Pat Roberts joined the list of 30 Republicans who voted against that Amendment.

Jerry MoranSenator Jerry Moran – Jerry Moran served six terms in the House of Representatives before winning a seat in the Senate by a landslide in 2010.

Moran rejects background restrictions on most gun purchases, including semi-automatic rifles. In April 2013 he also voted against banning high-capacity magazines, banning most semi-automatic rifles, and outlawing loopholes in which a person purchases a gun for a criminal or terrorist. The National Rifle Association, rated his voting record “A” in its scorecard.

Moran has opposed environmental protection, earning a lifetime score of 9% from the League of Conservation Voters. He also opposes “cap and trade” legislation intended to reduce climate change because of its potential to eliminate thousands of jobs.

As would be expected, Moran is anti-abortion and has received a 100% rating from Tony Perkins’ hate group, the Family Research Council and a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee.

He is anti-Affirmative Action and anti-same sex marriage favoring an Amendment to ban same-sex unions as well as gay adoptions. He is against the inclusion of sexual orientation in hate crime legislation.


Mitch McConnellSenator Mitch McConnell – Mitch McConnel has been referred to as “the most powerful Rebpublican on the planet.” On January 2, 2013, the Public Campaign Action Fund, a nonprofit group that backs stronger campaign finance regulation, released a report highlighting eight instances from McConnell’s political career in which a vote or a blocked vote (filibuster), coincided with an influx of campaign contributions to McConnell’s campaign. Progress Kentucky, a SuperPAC focused on defeating Mitch McConnell in 2014, hosted a press conference in front of the senator’s Louisville office to highlight the report’s findings.

He is currently facing ethics charges for his campaign practices – Mitch has already begun his campaign. For the complete scoop on Mitch McConnell click here.


On a side note – In 2010, Senator Al Franken introduced an Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill that would punish contractors if they “restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.” This is known as the “Franken Amendment.” Mitch McConnell joined the list of 30 Republicans who voted against that Amendment.

rand_6Senator Rand Paul – Rand Paul didn’t waste any time after his election to the Senate in making lots of waves in an already stormy sea. Like his father, he travels to the beat of his own drum. The problem is, his rhythm section is out of sync with much of mainstream America.

Some might remember that during the campaign, Rand Paul said that had he been in office in the 1960’s he would not have voted for the Civil Rights Act and that business owners should have the right to refuse service to anyone of their choosing. While much of the public was outraged by this, those of us who were familiar with his father just felt that the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. Apparently, Kentuckians were not concerned and they elected him by 59% of the vote.

Just this week, Paul was speaking before the Faith and Freedom Coalition in Washington, D.C. when he made the following claim: “There is a war on Christianity, not just from liberal elites here at home, but worldwide.”

He is one of the Tea Party darlings and was listed by Time Magazine as one of the world’s most influential people for 2013.

Rand Paul believes that life begins at conception, is vehemently against abortion, and states that “Coarsening of our culture led to 50 million unborn deaths.”

He takes a strong stand against all Affirmative Action and a strong stand against same-sex marriage as well as gay adoptions and gays in the military.

He wants to see the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and favors the privatization of Social Security. In fact, in regard to the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare, Paul offered these pearls of wisdom:

“Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be ‘constitutional’ does not make it so. The whole thing remains unconstitutional. While the court may have erroneously come to the conclusion that the law is allowable, it certainly does nothing to make this mandate or government takeover of our health care right.”



Perhaps Rand Paul doesn’t understand that the Supreme Court is the ultimate and final authority on what is Constitutional and what is not. Or, maybe he doesn’t care. Either way, I wonder if we could have that same attitude toward the Citizen’s United decision?

With regard to Medicare, he stated:

And with regard to Medicare he stated:

“Medicare is socialized medicine! People are afraid of that because they’ll say “ohhh, you’re against Medicare.” No, I’ll say “We have to do something different. We can’t just eliminate Medicare, but we have to get more to a market-based system.” It’s counter-intuitive to a lot of people, but you have to pay for things if you want prices to come down. So you really need higher deductibles. And the real answer to Medicare would be a $2,000 deductible, but try selling that one in an election.” – See more at: http://www.politicalruminations.com/rand-paul-quotes/#sthash.zLchKr5h.dpuf

He is a proponent of school choice and the voucher system and believes we should support homeschooling and parental responsibility.

He stands firm on an absolute right to gun ownership with no restrictions on firearms or handguns. When asked, his response was, “Don’t let the liberals tread on the Second Amendment.”

Some other notable quotes from Rand Paul:

On how the Republican Party lost the black vote:

“How did the party that elected the first black U.S. senator, the party that elected the first 20 African American congressmen, become a party that now loses 95 percent of the black vote? How did the Republican Party, the party of the Great Emancipator, lose the trust and faith of an entire race? During the Great Depression … African Americans understood that Republicans championed citizenship and voting rights, but they became impatient for economic emancipation.”

On why he doesn’t agree with raising taxes:

“Using taxes to punish the rich, in reality, punishes everyone because we are all interconnected. High taxes and excessive regulation and massive debt are not working.”

(Actually, he cleaned this one up a little bit from the last time he used it. At that time he claimed there weren’t any rich people and there weren’t any poor people).

Read more: http://globalgrind.com/news/rand-pauls-howard-university-speech-quotes-transcription-list#ixzz2WLh3BWWa

There is a strong possibility that the GOP will talk him into a Presidential bid in 2016. perish the thought!



David VitterSenator David Vitter – David Vitter first served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1999-2005. He was elected to the Senate in 2005, and again in 2010. In 2007, it came to light that Vitter was a client of the D.C. Madam’s prostitution ring.

Also in 2007, his close ties to the Louisiana Family Forum became public. The LFF is a Christian group, known for challenging evolution by means of “teaching the controversy” which promotes intelligent design. Vitter earmarked $100,000 of Federal money for the group. According to Vitter, the earmark was “to develop a plan to promote better science education”. Though the Louisiana Family Forum is largely forbidden from political activity due to its tax-exempt status.

Virulently opposed to immigration, Vitter has been a sponsor of or a proponent of any piece of legislation that declares English to be the official language of the United States, that prohibits amnesty or a pathway to citizenship for immigrants, nullifies the Dream Act, or that awards citizenship to children born in the United States to those here illegally.

Vitter is an advocate for abstinence-only sex education, emphasizing abstinence over sex education that includes information about birth control. He said, “Abstinence education is a public health strategy focused on risk avoidance that aims to help young people avoid exposure to harm…by teaching teenagers that saving sex until marriage and remaining faithful afterwards is the best choice for health and happiness.”

As far as same-sex marriage, Vitter is passionately against such unions, and has proposed a Constitutional Amendment to ban them. Here are some of his quotes on the subject:

“This is a real outrage. The Hollywood left is redefining the most basic institution in human history…We need a U.S. Senator who will stand up for Louisiana values, not Massachusetts values.”

“I’m a conservative who opposes radically redefining marriage, the most important social institution in human history.”

Vitter compared gay marriage to hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which came through the same geographical areas. Vitter said “It’s the crossroads where Katrina meets Rita. I always knew I was against same-sex unions.”

David Vitter has spearheaded legislation to allow Christian prayers in public venues. Thus far, his legislation has met with opposititon and failed on several occasions.

Since 2001, Vitter has been at the lead of legislation that would limit or hinder abortions and is highly esteemed by anti-abortion groups.

On David Vitter’s Gun Ownership stand, Wikipedia tells us:

On April 17, 2013, Vitter voted against the Toomey-Manchin Gun Control Amendment. The amendment failed to reach the sixty senatorial votes necessary to move forward. The Toomey-Manchin Gun Control Amendment is a bipartisan deal on gun background checks. Under the proposal, federal background checks would be expanded to include gun shows and online sales. All such sales would be channeled through licensed firearm dealers who would be charged for keeping record of transactions. The proposal does not require background checks for private sales between individuals.

In February 2008, Vitter — along with Senators Larry Craig and Mike Crapo — blocked the confirmation of Michael J. Sullivan as head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives(ATF) saying Sullivan supports “burdensome regulations” on gun owners and dealers and is “overly aggressive” enforcing gun laws. An editorial writer for The Boston Globe wrote that Vitter’s position was “unreasonable” because the guns Sullivan sought to control are those commonly used in crimes: those stolen or purchased on the black market.

Vitter is a far-right, ReBiblican who is revered by the Dominionists and their followers. His anti-separation of church and state stands, and his blatantly religious based votes and legislation makes him a real danger to mainstream America.

On a side note – In 2010, Senator Al Franken introduced an Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill that would punish contractors if they “restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.” Thisis known as the “Franken Amendment.” David Vitter joined the list of 30 Republicans who voted against that Amendment.


Thad CochranSenator Thad Cochran – Thad Cochran is the Fourth most senior Senator in the United States. He was first elected in 1978, and is currently 75 years old. To highlight what type of a Senator we are looking at, it is interesting to note that in 2005, he was one of nine senators who voted against the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, which prohibited “inhumane treatment of prisoners, including prisoners at Guantanamo Bay”. The others, all Republicans, were Wayne Allard, Kit Bond, Tom Coburn, Jeff Sessions, Jim Inhofe, Pat Roberts, John Cornyn and Ted Stevens. (Wikipedia)

A typical ReBiblican Senator, Cochran is against abortion, against same-sex marriage, against the separation of church and state, for prayer in public schools, against public education, for the privatization of Social Security, against Obamacare, for an absolute right to gun ownership, against background checks for gun purchases, against raising taxes on the wealthy, against immigration and amnesty, for expanding the military and against renewable energy while favoring the oil and gas industry.

Needless to say, Cochran has a perfect voting record according to right-to-life groups, and a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition. He is a darling of the National Rifle Association and has received their coveted “A” grade.

At this time, Cochran is undecided as to whether or not he’ll run in 2014. Maybe we’ll luck out.

Roger WickerSenator Roger Wicker – In 2007, Roger Wicker was appointed by Haley Barbour to fill the seat vacated by Trent Scott. Wicker is pretty much a Barbour knockoff. Actually, he and Barbour are two of the Council of Conservative Citizens favorite. (The CoCC is a white-supremacist hate group).

In 2008, Wicker was re-elected to the Senate and proudly boasted of an endorsement from Donald Wildmon, the racist, anti-Semite, religious zealot who founded the hate group known as the American Family Association.

During his re-election in 2012, Wicker was backed by, of course, the National Rifle Association, the Campaign for Working Families, the United States Chamber of Commerce, and the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).

Roger Wicker authored a bill stating that life begins at conception. He has earned a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee and wants to see a Constitutional Amendment granting preborn personhood status.

He is opposed to any and all Affirmative Action and stands firm on his desire for a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, banning same-sex marriage, and prohibiting adoptions by gay couples.

Wicker is against the separation of church and state and wants a Consitutional Amendment to allow prayer in public schools.

He favors vouchers and charter schools over the current public education system.

He is against Obamacare and wants to privatize Social Security.

In actuality, Wicker is the quintessential ReBiblican.


roy bluntSenator Roy Blunt – Roy Blunt spent fourteen years in the United States House of Representatives before being elected to the Senate in 2012.

Blunt has voted in favor of the big oil companies 91% of the time, and is certainly no friend of environmentalism.

According to Sourcewatch:

“In 1999 Roy Blunt began working with Tom DeLay as his deputy whip rounding up votes on the House floor. He was also introduced to DeLay’s political machine that operated in the form of the Alexander Strategies Group (ASG) and the U.S. Family Network, both founded by ex-DeLay chief of staff and personal minister Ed Buckham. Buckham and another DeLay associate Jim Ellis ran a nonfederal version of DeLay’s ARMPAC out of ASG. A nonfederal PAC does not have to file paperwork with the FEC and does not contribute to candidates. Blunt started his own nonfederal version of his Rely On Your Beliefs (RoyB) PAC in 1999. Soon these two nonfederal PACs, RoyB and ARMPAC, would become intimately involved with one another.”

Needless to say, Roy Blunt had quite a cozy relationship not only with Tom DeLay, but with Jack Abramoff.

In an article titled “House Majority Whip Exerts Influence by Way of K Street” the Washington Post detailed the group of lobbyists that Blunt plots strategy with for congressional sessions:

At the top of the Republican leadership’s K Street lobbying arm, there is a de facto “executive committee,” a hard-core base of about 25 lobbyists. Among them are Ed Gillespie, former Republican Party chair; Mark Isakowitz, formerly with the National Federation of Independent Business; Samantha Poole, Blunt’s former senior legislative assistant; former DeLay aide Tony Rudy; Lyle Beckwith, senior vice president of the National Association of Convenience Stores; and Ralph Hellmann, senior vice president of the Information Technology Industry Council.

Blunt resides just about as far right of center you can get. He is a staunch Southern Baptist and authors and supports bills against all of the usual issues that we expect to see from a ReBiblican.

Blunt is a corrupt zealot who continues to be re-elected time and time again.


Mike JohannsSenator Mike Johanns – Mike Johanns is a former Nebraska Governor. During his tenure as Governor, he vetoed more bills than any other Governor in the history of that state. In 1999, he drew a lot of criticism for signing a proclamation declaring May 22, “March for Jesus Day.” He also endorsed “Back to the Bible Day” while refusing to issue a proclamation for “Earth Religion Awareness Day,” which was requested by a Wiccan group.

Johanns is anti-abortion and anti-same-sex marriage. He claims that Nebraska values are that marriage is between one man and one woman. Of course, Johanns thinks he speaks for all Nebraskans.

He is against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and against all Affirmative Action.

He believes in an absolute right to gun ownership, is against immigration and any form of amnesty. He wants to increase oil and gas production and reduce regulations.

Deb FischerSenator Debra Strobel “Deb” Fischer – In 2009, Senator Fischer was one of fourteen co-sponsors in the Nebraska Legislature of LB 675, which required abortion providers to display ultrasound images of the fetus at least one hour prior to the abortions, in a position where the abortion seeker could easily view them.

Fischer claims that she is prodly pro-life and has been endorsed by Nebraska Right to Life and by the Susan B. Anthony List.

Calling herself a staunch conservative, Fischer supports a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage and defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

She opposes amnesty for undocumented individuals as well as the Dream Act, and stands firm on an absolute right to gun ownership.

In her 2012 campaign materials, Fischer declared, “The EPA must be reformed and possibly eliminated”.


Dean HellerSenator Dean Heller – Dean Heller was appointed to his Senate seat initially after the resignation of John ensign. He had previously served as the Secretary of State of Nevada, and as a U.S. Representative in the House. He was elected to the Senate in 2012.

Back in 2008, Heller indicated that he backed a woman’s right to choose when it came to abortion, however, that didn’t last long as he has taken an anti-abortion stand ever since.

Heller voted against the Employment non-Discrimination Act that would have prohibited employment discrimination based upon sexual orientation, vehemently opposes same-sex marriage.


My Approved PortraitsSenator Kelly Ayotte – Previously, Kelly Ayote served as Attorney General for the state of New Hampshire. During the election of 2010, and Kelly’s bid for the United States Senate, she got lots of help and back-up from John McCain, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Haley Barbour, and Rick Santorum.

Ayotte is anti-abortion with exceptions. She is anti-same-sex marriage and against gay couples being able to adopt children, and favors an Amendment to ban both.

She strongly opposes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and favors the privatization of Social Security.

Ayotte is a strong supporter of charter schools, the voucher system, and homeschooling.

She supports an Amendment that would declare English as our official language, and opposes any amnesty or pathway to citizenship for immigrants.

She favors an expansion of the military because, as she puts it, “there are still terrorists out there who want to kill us.”


Richard BurrSenator Richard Burr – From 1995 to 2005, Richard Burr served as a United States Representative. He then ran for and won a seat in the U.S. Senate.

As a far-right conservative, Burr believes that life begins at conception and favors a Constitutional Amendment that would protect the unborn. He is also vehemently opposed to any and all Affirmative Action.

Burr wants an Amendment to define marriage as being between one man and one woman; banning same-sex marriage; and prohibiting gay couples from adopting children.

Additionally, Burr is a proponent of requiring prayer in public schools.

Burr wants to see the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act repealed, and advocates for a limited prescription drug benefit for recipients of Medicare. He also favors the Ryan Plan, and the privatization of Social Security.

He is a strong proponent of gun ownership and believes that any ban on assault rifles is against the Constitution.


Rob PortmanSenator Rob Portman – Prior to his election the the Senate, Portman served six consecutive terms as a Representative.

Portman is ant-abortion and anti-Affirmatve Action. Initially, he was passionately opposed to gay rights, however, when in March of 2013, his son came out as a homosexual, Portman changed his tune.

He is a proponent of prayer in public schools, and has a 92% rating from the Christian Coalition.

He has received an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association, opposes Obamacare, and favors privatizing Social Security.

He is a proponent of expanding nuclear energy, and encouraging oil and gas exploration both on and offshore.

He is a strong proponent of faith-based initiatives.


Senate Committee Kicks off Climate Change HearingsSenator James Mountain “Jim” Inhofe – Prior to being elected to the U.S. Senate, Inhofe served in the House of Representatives for eight years. To give you some idea of Inhofe’s character, in 2006, Inhofe was one of only nine senators to vote against the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 which prohibits “cruel, inhuman or degrading” treatment of individuals in U.S. Government custody.

James Inhofe is one of the most far-right conservative members of either house. He does not believe that human activities can cause climate change. He says that human influenced climate change is a hoax, and it is impossible, because “God is still up there.” He compares the EPA to the Gestapo.

He is hostile to gay-rights. He advocates for a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage, and is against adding sexual orientation to hate crimes legislation. He voted against banning job discrimination based on sexual orientation. He has openly stated that he will not hire openly gay staffers as it might conflict with the agenda.

Inhofe has come under criticism for multiple foreign trips, especially to Africa, on missions that he described as “a Jesus thing,” and that were paid for by the U.S. government. He has used these trips for activities on behalf of The Fellowship (The Family – aka The C-Street Group). Inhofe has said that his trips included some governmental work but also involved “the political philosophy of Jesus, it’s all scripturally based.” Inhofe used his access as a Senator to pursue religious goals.

Senator Inhofe is an almost off-the-chart Rebiblican – anti-abortion; anti-Affirmative Action; anti-gay rights; anti-immigration; anti-separation of church and state; anti-health care; anti-Social Security; anti-peace; and pro-gun. Yet, the people of Oklahoma continue to elect this person. Go figure.

Meet The PressSenator Tom Coburn – Tom Coburn is a medical doctor and a Southern Baptist Deacon. He first served as a Representative, was elected to the Senate in 2010, and has pledged not to seek another term – we can only hope. If he doesn’t run in 2016, it’s a pretty sure bet that he will seek some other political office. You see, Tom Coburn thrives on politics and his ego will not allow him to take a back seat.

An ardent supporter of gun rights, Coburn has earned the title of “Dr. No” because of his tendency to place holds on and vote against legislation that he believes are unconstitutional.

Tom Coburn is also a member of the C-Street group and was heavily involved in trying to cover-up Senator John Ensign’s affair. In May 2011, the Senate Ethics Committee identified Coburn in their report on the ethics violations of Senator John Ensign. The report stated that Coburn knew about Ensign’s extramarital affair and was involved in trying to negotiate a financial settlement to cover it up. For an excellent narrative on this issue, please visit the New Yorker Article, Frat House For Jesus. (Peter J. Boyer, September 13, 2010)

On every social issue, Tom Coburn is a true ReBiblican. We can only hope that he lives up to his pledge not to run again in 2016. Either way, we still have three more years of Dr, No to contend with.


Pat ToomeySenator Pat Toomey – Pat Toomey first served three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. He also served a president of Club For Growth which tells us a lot about Toomey’s politics. Club For Growth is described by SourceWatch as follows:

Club For Growth is a right-wing political group established in 1999 by Stephen Moore that endorses and raises money for candidates. According to a February 22, 2011 article by John Nichols in The Nation, the Washington D.C. based Club for Growth is “an organization funded by extremely wealthy conservatives to carry out their budget-stripping goals,” and that “has been a key player in Republican Governor Scott Walker‘s move to take out the state’s organized workers.” Nichols writes that the Club for Growth is part of a “national strategy” to get “newly elected Republican governors” to destroy labor and unions. R.J. Johnson, who served as a political strategist for Walker’s campaign, is a key adviser to the Club for Growth. Johnson has refused to disclose where the Club for Growth gets its funding. The Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune in a February 26, 2011 editorial described the Club for Growth as an “ultra-rich special interest itself. ] As of September 13th, 2012, OpenSecrets estimates that Club for Growth has spent $13 million influencing federal elections.

Club For Growth spent a million dollars on Toomey’s initial Senate run in 2004. The next year, Toomey took over as the CFG President.

Toomey has been awarded a 97% rating from the American Conservative Union. But, when it comes to civil rights, the ACLU has only given him a 13% rating. The National Right to Life Committee loves his anti-abortion stand and gives him a 100% rating. Toomey has gone on record advocating for imposing jail terms for doctors who provide abortions.

He favors school choice and charter schools, and is a gun ownership proponent who wants reduced restrictions. He is vehemently anti-gay rights, and anti-separation of church and state.


Lindsey GrahamSenator Lindsey Graham – Graham served four terms in the House of Representatives prior to running for the Senate.

A typical Southern Baptist ReBiblican, Lindsey Graham consistently votes as an ultra-conservative. He is anti-abortion believing that life begins at conception; anti-Affirmative Action; anti-gay rights; anti-separation of church and state; anti-Obamacare; pro-privatization of Social Security; pro-school vouchers for private and parochial schools; pro-gun; pro-military expansion; and pro-oil and gas drilling.

Immediately after the Boston Marathon bombing, Graham sent out a controversial tweet that read: “The last thing we may want to do is read Boston suspect “Miranda Rights” telling him to remain silent.”

TimScottSenator Tim Scott – Tim Scott was appointed by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to fill the seat vacated by Jim DeMint. He is an Evangelical Christian who was previously a Representative in the House, and endorsed by the Tea Party. He will run in a special election in 2014, to maintain his Senate seat.

According to a Wikipedia article:

In March 2011, Scott co-sponsored a welfare reform bill that would deny food stamps to families whose incomes were lowered to the point of eligibility because a family member was participating in a labor strike. He introduced legislation in July 2011 to strip the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) of its power to prohibit employers from relocating to punish workers who join unions or strike. The rationale for the legislation is that government agencies should not be able to tell private employers where they can run a business. Scott described the legislation as a common sense proposal that would fix a flaw in federal labor policy and benefit the national and local economies. The NLRB had recently opposed the relocation of a Boeing production facility from Washington state to South Carolina.

Scott is a conservative ReBiblican, and as a new Senator is rapidly gaining the credentials necessary to call him such. He is anti-abortion; anti-gay rights; anti-Obamacare; anti-public education; and pro-gun ownership.


John ThuneSenator John Thune – John Thune served as a U.S. Representative from 1997-2003. He then won his Senate Seat and has served since 2005. In 2008, Thune was mentioned as a possible running mate for John McCain. In 2012, specualtion ran high that he would run for President. According to Wikipedia:

Thune was encouraged to run by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who called him “a consensus builder.” One Wall Street Journal article stated that Thune possesses “name ID in the parts of the first caucus state of Iowa that get neighboring South Dakota media, a $6.9 million bank account he could use for a presidential run, and a national fundraising list of 100,000 names from his race against [former Senator Tom] Daschle.” DNC Executive Director Jennifer O’Malley Dillon publicly stated that “among a field of generally flawed (in one way or another) Republican presidential candidates, there is one who genuinely scares her. ‘This is personal[,] but John Thune is somebody that I have nightmares about,’ she said. ‘I’ve worked for Tim Johnson and Tom Daschle and he is just a guy you can’t ever count out.'” According to multiple commentators, a Thune candidacy could be helped by his personal appearance (he “looks like a president”). On February 22, 2011, however, Thune announced he would not run in the presidential election in 2012.

Thune has been surrounded by controversy. First was his lobbying activity on behalf of big beef importers prior to running for the Senate. South Dakota ranchers took issue with his aid to suppliers of foreign beef.

In the 2004, race against Tom Daschle, the Thune campaign paid two bloggers to write in support of the Thune candidacy while disparging Daschle. Story here…


In 2011, Thune voted against federal aid to flood victims in three South Dakota communities. Story here…


Additionally, it came to light in 2005, that Thune had close ties to Jeff Gannon, the male hooker who posed as a reporter and gained access to the White House. Story here…


John Thune is also a C-Street member.

John Thune is anti-abortion; anti-Affirmative Action; anti-gay rights; anti-separation of church and state; anti-Obamacare; pro-privatization of Social Security; anti-immigration; and pro-gun. Look for him to throw his hat into the ring in the 2016, Presidential campaign. He has the money…he has the backing…he has the chutzpah…and he scares the hell out of me.


LamarAlexanderSenator Lamar Alexander – Lamar Alexander is a senior Senator serving since 2003. He served as the Governor of Tennessee from 1979-1987.

As a friend of big oil and gas companies, he can be counted on to cast his votes in their direction.

He believes that the Supreme Court should interpret the Constitution literally when it comes to abortion. Accordingly, he believes that life begins at conception and that abortion should be restricted.

He believes that racial preference is just as wrong as racial discrimination and therefore opposes Affirmative Action.

Alexander is vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage and wants a Constitutional Amendment banning that kind of union.

He stands firmly against the separtation of church and state when it comes to public schools and wants to see prayer reinstated.

He supports the goals and ideas of charter schools and advocates for a voucher system.

He has an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association and wants to see a repeal on the ban of assault rifles.

He is anti-immigration and wants to declare English as the official language of the United States.

He wants to see the military expanded.

Bob CorkerSenator Bob Corker – Previously, Bob Corker was the Mayor of Chatanooga, Tennessee. He and his wife Elizabeth currently live in the Anne Haven mansion built by Coca Cola Bottling Company heirs, Anne Lupton and Frank Harrison.

In his 2006, bid for the Senate Corker got caught up in a controversy over a campaign ad that many thought perpetuated racial stereotypes. Story here…


Corker is anti-abortion; anti-gay rights; anti-separation of church and state; anti-Obamacare; pro-gun rights; anti-immigration and favors declaring English as the official language; he also favors expanding the military.


John CornynSenator John Cornyn – John Cornyn has a long career in the political arena. He first served as a judge in Texas’ 37th District Court from 1985-1991, when he was elected Associate Justice of the Texas Supreme Court where he served from 1991-1997. He was then elected Attorney General. He was elected to the United States Senate in 2002.

In 2010, John Cornyn was voted one of the most conservative U.S. Senators by the National Review – and, indeed, he is.

Cornyn is on the Advisory Board of the Leadership Institute and the National Council for a New America. The Leadership Institute was founded by uber-conservative Morton Blackwell and states that its mission is to: “increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists” and to “identify, train, recruit and place conservatives in politics, government, and media.”

The National Council for a New America is a group of Republican members who are aimed at rebranding the Republican Party. Rebranding it to what? Well, it consists of what they call a “National Panel of Experts” who report to a panel of Republican leaders. Those “experts are: Haley Barbour; Bobby Jindal; Mitt Romney; Jeb Bush; John McCain; Sarah Palin; and Newt Gingrich. The leaders on the panel are: John Boehner; Eric Cantor; Mike Pence; Mitch McConnell; Jon Kyl; and Lamar Alexander. Every one of these people are Rebiblicans.

It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to surmise what this rebranding consists of.

Cornyn is known of one of big oil’s ten favorte members of Congress. He has earned a 0% rating from the League of Conservation Voters. John Cornyn has voted in favor of big oil companies on 100% of important oil related bills from 2005-2007, according to Oil Change International. These bills include Iraq war funding, climate change studies, clean energy, and emissions.

According to SourceWatch:

On April 18, 2005, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed Texas Public Information Act requests with both the Texas Office of the Attorney General and with the Texas Governor’s Office to obtain information regarding contacts between Cornyn and lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his partner Michael Scanlon and former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed, as well as for all documents related to the Tigua Tribe of El Paso, Texas.

CREW filed its requests in response to Sen. Cornyn’s statement that he never met with Reed in regard to the Tigua casino. (Maria Recio, Fort Worth Star-Telegram) However, some believe email correspondence between Abramoff and Reed suggests otherwise.

On November 12, 2001, Reed sent Abramoff an e-mail message stating, “get me details so I can alert cornyn and let him know what we are doing to help him” [sic]. Similarly, on November 13, 2001, Reed wrote “I strongly suggest we start doing patch-throughs to perry and cornyn [sic]. We’re getting killed on the phone.” Also, on January 7, 2002, Reed sent Abramoff an e-mail stating “I think we should budget for an ataboy for cornyn” [sic].

When Cornyn ran for Senate, Abramoff contributed $1,000, the maximum amount legally allowed. The allegedly anti-gambling Cornyn also received $6,250 in contributions from Las Vegas casino interests who oppose Indian gaming, some of which were made at the same time Cornyn was pushing to close the Tigua’s casino.

Cornyn resides far to the right and his voting record and political stands reflect that perfectly.

Ted CruzSenator Ted Cruz – Cruz served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 – 2008. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2012. To give you even a better perspective on where Cruz stands: “Cruz was endorsed by the Club for Growth, a fiscally conservative political action committee; Erick Erickson, editor of prominent conservative blog RedState, the FreedomWorks for America super PAC, nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin, former Attorney General Edwin Meese, Tea Party Express, Young Conservatives of Texas; and U.S. Senators Tom Coburn, Jim DeMint, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Pat Toomey. He was also endorsed by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and former Texas Congressman Ron Paul, George W. Bush and former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum.”

Cruz is, of course, anti-women’s rights; against same-sex marriage and adoptions; against gay pride parades; against the separation of church and state; against Obamacare; for the privatization of Social Security; for states rights and state control; strongly against immigration and favors harsh laws; a proponent of oil and gas drilling; and a proponent of expanding the military.

In his own words:

“[There] are risks to refusing to comply with the demands of a politician who has earned the nickname, ‘The Godfather.’ In Texas, we have a more modest view of government.” (Critics have dubbed him ‘The Godfather’ because he once allegedly sent a dead fish to a pollster.)

“Shariah law is an enormous problem” in the United States.

During the primary, Cruz used his opposition to gay rights as a wedge against lesser opponents like former Dallas mayor Tom Leppert, noting that his opponent had marched in not one but two pride parades. “When the mayor of a city chooses twice to march in a parade celebrating gay pride, that’s a statement. It’s not a statement I believe in”

At the Values Voters summit last October, Cruz warned that American politics had been hijacked by the “gay rights agenda.”


Orin HatchSenator Orin Hatch – Orin Hatch is 79 years old. From Wikipedia:


In 1976 in his first run for public office, he was elected to the United States Senate, defeating Democrat Frank Moss, a three-term incumbent. Among other issues, Hatch criticized Moss’s 18-year tenure in the Senate, saying “What do you call a Senator who’s served in office for 18 years? You call him home.” Hatch argued that many Senators, including Moss, had lost touch with their constituents. Hatch won his first election by an unexpectedly wide nine-point margin. He later defeated Salt Lake City Mayor Ted Wilson by 17 points in his reelection bid in 1982. He hasn’t faced substantive opposition since, and has been reelected four times, including defeating Brian Moss, Frank Moss’ son, by 35 points in 1988. He is the longest-serving Senator in Utah history, eclipsing previous record-holder Reed Smoot in 2007. He was among the first to rally conservative Christians and Mormons to the Republican Party, most notably on the right to life platform which he has supported for 35 years. [Emphasis Added]

Nothing like a little hypocrisy with your politics.

According to Hatch, “Abortions cause a societal insensitivity to life.” He believes that life begins at conception and should be protected.

He is against any Affirmative Action, and when it comes to gays he says, “Gays support Democrats, but no intolerance,” and “Homosexuality is contrary to the Bible.” He wants a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage and an exclusion of sexual orientation from hate-crimes legislation.

He is against the separation of church and state and wants an Amendment allowing prayer in the public schools. He claims that “Hollywood should do more to change culture for good,” and that “Media supports moral poverty; Boys and Girls Clubs fight it.”

He says that Obamacare is an atrocious Act and we should repeal it. And, he supports the privatization of Social Security.

He is pro-gun; pro-oil and gas; anti-immigration; and favors expansion of the military and defense spending.

Mike-LeeSenator Mike Lee – Mike Lee was previously a clerk for Judge Samuel Alito, and his father, Rex E. Lee, was the Founding Dean of Brigham Young University.

In 2011, Club for Growth gave him a 100% score. Only four other U.S. Senators received a perfect score: Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, Jim DeMint, and Tom Coburn.He also received a 100% Conservative voting record for 2011 from the American Conservative Union. The Heritage Foundation gave him a 99% score, ranking first only with DeMint.

He is anti-abortion; anti-Affirmative Action; anti-same-sex marriage; anti-separation of church and state; favors faith-based initiatives; favors privitization of Social Security; believes in an absolute right to gun control; anti-immigration; and wants an expansion of the military.


Ron JohnsonSenator Ron Johnson – Johnson’s first run for elective office was in 2010. According to Wikipedia:

He attracted the attention of the Tea Party movement when he gave two emotional speeches at Tea Party rallies. According to The New York Times, he said he “did kind of spring out of the Tea Party” and is glad to be associated with it. In the September 14, 2010, Republican primary, Johnson, running a largely self-financed campaign, defeated Watertown businessman Dave Westlake, taking 85% of the vote, with 10% going to Westlake and the remaining 5% going to Stephen Finn. In the November 2, 2010, general election, he defeated Democratic incumbent Russ Feingold.

In January 2010, Johnson opposed a Wisconsin bill that would have eliminated the time limit for future child sex abuse victims to bring lawsuits while allowing an additional three years for past victims to sue. Johnson testified before the Wisconsin Senate that “punishment for the actual perpetrators should be severe,” but questioned whether it would be just for employers of perpetrators to be severely financially damaged or destroyed by lawsuits. He added that the bill, if enacted, might actually reduce the reporting of child sex abuse. At the time of his testimony, Johnson was on the Finance Council of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay. In June 2010 he told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “I can’t think of a penalty that would be too harsh for these guys”and in late September 2010, Johnson indicated that the legislation would have financially crippled organizations such as the Boys & Girls Clubs and that the punishment for child sex abuse should be, “severe and swift.”He also sought to address reports about his testimony, saying “I sought to warn legislators of those consequences in order to correct legislative language so that any bills that passed would punish the perpetrators and those that protect them, not honorable organizations that do so much good for our communities. We must rid our society of people who prey on children.” He was criticized by victims’ rights groups such as the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, and by his opponent, Feingold.

He believes that scientists who claim that global warming is man-made are crazy and that the entire theory is “lunacy.”

Of course, he is anti-abortion and anti-same-sex marriage; a gun ownership proponent; and a proponent of on and offshore drilling.


Mike EnziSeantor Mike Enzi – Mike Enzi is in his third term and will be up for re-election in 2014. He has been consistently ranked as one of the nation’s most conservative Senators. In the 2008, election, Mike Enzi won 76% of the vote.

As a true conservative, Enzi votes consitently against all abortion measures and is in favor of a Constitutional Amendment to ban the same. He is vehemently opposed to gay rights and his voting record is in accordance with his beliefs.

He is against the separation of church and state and an avid gun-rights proponent.

A strong supporter of the coal industry, Enzi also rejects alternative energy proposals and advocates Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and offshore drilling.

He is anti-immigration and opposes any form of amnesty, while advocating to declare English as the official language of the United States.

john barrassoSenator John Barrasso – John Barrasso was appointed to the Senate in June 2007, following the death of Craig L. Thomas, and won a special election in 2008 to fill the remaining four years of Thomas’s term. He was re-elected to a full six-year term in 2012.

Interstingly, Barrasso ran for the Senate in 1996, as a pro-choice social moderate. Somewhere between then and now he has moved excedingly to the right. Barrasso was quoted as saying, “I believe in limited government, lower taxes, less spending, traditional family values, local control and a strong national defense,” and said he has “voted for prayer in schools, against gay marriage and [has] sponsored legislation to protect the “sanctity of life.”