Tag Archives: Center for Military Readiness

Dominionist Heaven – This Week In Review

Dominionist Heaven

This Week In Review

From Nicole Nichols & Crooked Crosses


Military Blues – Shame On The “Radical Left!”

The announcement this week that women will now be allowed to serve in combat roles while in the military has sent the religious right completely over the cliff and into a fit of outrage.

Of course the fingers have been immediately pointed toward the “liberal agenda.” After all, it was the liberals who were responsible for the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Byan Fischer

Byan Fischer

Bryan Fischer, of the American Family Association, is having a field day with this as he predicts a “total sexual meltdown.”

In an interview yesterday with Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness, Fischer went on a tirade prophesying that the new policy will “undermine readiness, cohesion, security, and lead to a reinstatement of the draft.” Uh…didn’t Fischer say much the same thing about rescinding Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?

He went on to warn of a “complete sexual meltdown” occurring due to “predatory women” trying to sleep with officers, citing CIA head David Petraeus’s affair with a reporter.

Fischer’s American Family Association has already been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center because of its stand against homosexuals. It would appear that Fischer is trying to make certain that the group live up to that by now including women in their war against all things contradictory to their warped religious views.

A cross in a glorious cloud of golden light.

 Powerful Voices

Well, this week marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade, and, of course, there has been a ton of squawking from the religious right as they marched upon the Supreme Court to brandish their signs of displeasure.

In keeping with the season, the Christian Post announced its list of the Four Most Powerful Pro-Life Female Voices:

  • Marjorie Dannenfelser, the President and Chairman of the Board of the Susan B. Anthony List.
  • Abby Johnson, Chief Research Strategist for Live Action
  • Penny Nance, President and CEO for Concerned Women of America
  • Charmaine Yoest, President and CEO of Americans United For Life.

There you have it – a list of four women who stand firmly behind the Personhood Acts, oppose contraception, and oppose abortion in all cases – even rape. The troubling thing is not that they have powerful voices, but that they have the ears of some of the most powerful people in the country.

A cross in a glorious cloud of golden light.

 Sekulow’s War Against Women

On Thursday, January 24, 2013, the American Center for Law & Justice filed its fourth direct challenge to the mandate of the Department of Health and Human Services that requires employers to provide health insurance which covers contraceptives.

Jay Sekulow

Jay Sekulow

Jay Sekulow, the Chief Council for the ACLJ, has long been on a crusade prove that such a mandate violates the First Amendment, The Religious Freedom and Restoration Act, and the Administrative Procedure Act. So far, he has not been successful.

Sekulow has built a financial empire and lives a lavish lifestyle which is suspicious for anyone who is employed by a charitable organization. However, it speaks volumes about his inability to understand the importance of contraceptives to those lowly, hard-working individuals who simply cannot afford another mouth to feed.

A cross in a glorious cloud of golden light.

 Demons & Exorcists



Now, for the really crazy stuff! We knew that the airy high that we were experiencing following the inauguration couldn’t last for long. Gordon Klingenschmitt, a religious right extremist of the

nth degree, who considers himself a “gay exorcist,” didn’t just go off the rails – he took the train right into the river of insanity.

In an email that went out to the followers of is “Pray In Jesus Name” project, he actually claimed that President Obama’s support for gay equality is an “open invitation to the devil and demonic rule.” He went on to postulate that Obama is “making Satan equal to God as he declares the demonic to be Godly.”

According to Klingenschmitt, “There is one reason homosexual sodomy will never be “equal” to traditional marriage: Satan will never be equal to God.”

He closed his email asking for all of his followers to “…pray for our President to repent, and renounce evil, and invite the Holy Spirit to rule his heart? Then let’s petition all 100 Senators to protect traditional marriage.”

It is important to note that Gordon Klingenschmitt is the author of an ebook that chronicles how President Obama is ruled by 50 demons. The scariest part is, he actually has a following.

A cross in a glorious cloud of golden light.

 Arm the Students & Kill Obamacare

In the wake of his waning popularity, Glen Beck continues to promote loony-tunes David Barton. Last week, Beck had Barton on his television show which, thank God, largely went unnoticed. Barton is this quirky little evangelical minister who considers himself a historian and promotes rewriting school textbooks to reflect a white, Christian perspective. He is the founder of WallBuilders, a Texas outfit that works against the separation of church and state.

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck

The program initially started out as a discussion over health-care. Glenn Beck, true to his ignorance, claimed that Obamacare would lead to people being forced to relinquish their guns. How he manages to justify that statement is anyone’s guess, but in Beck’s world, I would imagine that there are those who get his train of thought. He also claimed that the Act would lead to “Nazi-like euthanasia programs.”

David Barton

David Barton

Somehow, the talk turned to gun control and the recent school shootings. Barton, not to be outdone by Beck’s hallucinations, told the audience that the NRA had been established in order to protect freed slaves from lynchings – and that there never used to be school shootings in the 1800’s because all of the kids took their guns to school.

There you have it! Arm the kids and solve the problem!

A cross in a glorious cloud of golden light.