Tag Archives: Drew Ryun

The Madison Project

The ultra-conservative Madison Project has taken an aggressive role in the decimation of the Republican Party of late. Declaring those Republicans who they believe to be lacking conservative values, such as Mitch McConnell, who they think is not conservative enough, “loser Candidates,” they seek to replace them with those who adhere to a more extreme political agenda. Their actions along with those of similar groups are sending shockwaves through the national capitol.

The Project claims to raise money for uber-conserative candidates through small “grassroots” donations which they then disburse as larger contributions. According to their website:

“Our values are Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Limited Government, Defenders of Religious Freedom. We only endorse candidates who clearly demonstrate their conservatism. We evaluate every Congressional and Senatorial race in America, and our endorsements are only extended to key competitive races which have a strong conservative candidate with the ability to win.”

Jim Ryun

Jim Ryun

The head hancho for this outfit is none other than former Congressman, Jim Ryun. Jim had the distinction of being crowned “the most conservative member in the House of Representatives” in 2006.

Ryan, himself an Evangelical, sits on the advisory board of the Dominionist Leadership Institute, and brings those values to the Madison Project, and to the group’s endorsement of political candidates.

His son, Drew Ryun is also listed as one of the leaders of the Project. Drew also served in the House of Representatives for 10 years. Before joining his father, Drew was the Director of Government Affairs for the AmericanCenter for Law and Justice, an organization started by Pat Robertson which is now a powerful right-wing organization led by Jay Allen Sekulow which works to advance religious liberty, the right-to-life, and “the two-parent, marriage bound family.”

Drew’s twin brother, Ned, is equally involved in the quest for a more Christian oriented government through his endeavors in the group which he heads up, American Majority.